Friday, March 31, 2006

Cast and Crew

Omied, Stacey and I sat down today and hashed out our decisions on the cast. I've been getting in contact with some of the Actors we've picked and the response has been great. The key crew positions are starting to be filled in with Joe Rivera on as DP and Renato Hoyle in place as the 1st AD. I'll need to post a complete list later. Onward ...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Location locked

Sweet. The location that seemed very nice and is close to us is going to work out very well. There are still papers to be signed and money to move around, but the dates and times are perfect. It even has a great parking lot to fill up with more shots of reporters and dumping grounds for gear. I'm happy we could nail this down with just under three weeks left until principal photography. Now back to casting ...

Monday, March 27, 2006


We're investigating different locations for the market and may end up in our back yard. There is a great convenience store with a parking lot in the middle of San Francisco that's film friendly and perfect in many ways.

Casting session

The first casting session has been conducted and I'm very pleased with the quality of the actors who read for the parts. Hopefully within the week I'll be able to make final decisions and put names to the characters.

The beginning

The film is starting to come together. After an initial concept came to me while listing to a lecture, I worked with writer Omied Far to flesh it out. The idea is to make a comment on how the media can be irresponsible at times with their take on the truth. And how the audience should look deeper into what is said to find the truth.

Thanks for joining us on this journey.