Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Day one in the can

A wonderful day one. Superb performances by all of the actors and the lighting and camera work looked great. We got some really good takes in the can and it will be a dream to edit this together. There's a nice difference between the lighting, composition, performances that will all gel together in post. I really commend the actors for having to deliver basically a soliloquy as there is no cutting off the angle. One to two pages of dialogue that have to be perfect ... not an easy task.

I put up the first picture to give an overall idea of the scene (plus I think the uniform and mic help tell the story). Then this body shot is a defining moment of what the film is trying to communicate. Below, Reggie Steele helps to round out the different aspects from which we were approaching the scene.

Now we get down to business on day two and bring the whole show together. Tonight is three shots, but the visuals are tremendously important to communicate some ambiguity to allow room for the audience to interpret it in different ways. The two main shots are covering the same action from unrelated angles. It provides us the perfect opportunity to rehearse while shooting and get the perfect take for the final. I’m looking forward to how the lighting and framing will look tonight.


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